
a mastermind for the powerful women who are ready to evolve into a new, visionary way of being.
this is a new paradigm of visionary creation and leadership; where we are opening you up to the embrace of who you're meant to be in this life, and all of the incredible magic, impact, and light you're here to radiate.
through this 6 month journey...
you'll release the old paradigms that keep you stuck;
you'll become a leader - of your own life, and of your community.
you'll embody a new, radical level of Self.
you'll come home to your soul purpose, gifts, and mission.
when you've been doing the healing work effectively, you'll reach a point where you just know in your gut - you're ready for that next step.
your nervous system feels pretty good. you've tended to your inner child. you've alchemized many shadows. you're more confident now, solid. you do your best to live a healthy lifestyle. you've made shifts in how you relate in your relationships, in your work, your business. your life has been changing for the better.
and yet... there's something bigger whispering to you. you're feeling the nudge.
you want to go deeper, higher, bigger.
you just know, there's more to hold, more to give.
you're meant to be a creator.
you're meant to be a leader.
this is your soul, excited to step into your real mission.
this is your body, open to hold the most expansive experiences that life has to offer.
this is your mind, desiring to fulfil that dream.
this is you, ready to step into your liberation.
welcome to your next level.

a high-level mastermind for visionary life expansion & embodied leadership.
6 months of WEEKLY mentorship calls
6 months of private Telegram group coaching (M-F)
2x 60-minute 1:1 coaching calls
60-minute 1:1 Akashic Reading
6 month access to ALIVE: Signature Healing Program
6 month access to The Life Artists Membership
you will discover your soul purpose and mission
you will come to harness your innate gifts and strengths as your power
you will come to embody your Visionary self, crystal clear - what you're here to offer to the world, becoming the woman who is the inspiration​
you will be empowered and clear on what exactly you desire to welcome, release, and activate in this season of your life; and be fully empowered to EXPAND INTO IT
you will become an embodied leader in your relationships, business, work, family, community, and for yourself
you will let go of the judgments, fears, shame, limiting beliefs, and self-sabotage holding you back from living in your authenticity
you will break through the edges and sneaky behaviors holding you back
you will become grounded in the most creative, free, highly expressed version of you
you will master the art of true authenticity, intentionality and presence
you will learn the beautiful, flirtatious dance within yourself between the empowered masculine and feminine
you will start to see some of your lifelong dreams unfold into reality
all while breaking generational cycles, profoundly inspiring those around you, and uplifting the world to a new paradigm

this is the paradigm of sovereignty, connection, love, artistry, authenticity and agency.

you wake up every morning bubbling over with passion and purpose. ideas, creativity, thoughts - and you're ready to make them a reality. you're driven by a bright fire inside of you, and it doesn't overwhelm you. you've got a structure in your life that keeps you feeling good, but you're open to spontaneity. pleasure. flow. in fact, you thrive on the juice of uncertainty. you're the creator, the master, you surf on the waves of life.
it didn't used to be this way.
you live, and let live; yet, you still have the space to take on your responsibilities with such pow and grace. it's joyful. you're having conversations that light you the f* up with people who feel soul-aligned. you can feel how your light, lights them up. you feel so lucky, so grateful, to serve in the ways that you already are - and you cannot wait to keep building. how deep can I love, how much more can I give, how much feeling can I recieve?
and this pours into every area of your life. the path forward is exciting. your next career move is here. your business is thriving. your love life is satisfying. your mental, physical, and spiritual health is at its peak.
you're embodied in overflow.
yes. you feel that?
this is the frequency of liberation.
you, in your embodied leadership, Visionary.
& this is a way of being, that is fully available to you.
"Jade. You are the real deal. You holding me through the past few months has been pivotal. I have released some crazy things because of our trauma work. And a lot of my stress symptoms have vanished and honestly I feel like a snake shedding old skin. I am happier. My gosh. I'm freaking excited that it's kind of only still the beginning!"
- Cindy
"Jade is an incredibly talented intuitive healer. She creates a safe and nurturing space for her clients, where they can relax and receive. The messages that came through in the Akashic Record Reading she did for me were profound, and they were so necessary for me at this point in my journey. I felt a profound shift directly after that has continued. A sense of freedom and flow has opened within me, and I know that wonderful new beginnings are on the horizon."
- Oksana

LIBERATION is for you if...
you're ready to really uplevel and step into deep alignment with your sense of self, and in your relationships, business, or current/next season of your life​
- you have a vision or a dream that you'd love to make an embodied, lived reality
- you've been craving deep support from a sisterhood and a mentor who truly sees you for you
- you're tired of living by society and other people's rules and expectations
- you want to make your own rules in this crazy game of life
- you're ready to do things differently and pave a path that feels real and authentic to you
- you want to approach all areas of your life in a more meaningful, purposeful, heart-forward way
- you're ready to activate your soul and spiritual gifts
- you'd like to claim yourself as the powerful, brave woman who takes up space and speaks her truth
- you're ready to fully release sticky old patterns and cycles
- you hope to leave a legacy of change, hope, and possibility for the world, in your own way

this is NOT the program for 'beginners' or anyone new to healing work.
to join LIBERATION, you will need to have cultivated a high level of self-awareness and an adequate level of safety and resilience within your nervous system. this is for your own benefit as this level of energetic calibration we do in this container will not "work" otherwise.
to make sure this is a perfect fit for you, this program is by application basis only.
"Jade facilitates with such authenticity, care, commitment and support to each participants journey. If you are curious, if you are feeling called to it but have slight hesitations, trust that you will be held, will be so lovingly guided, that you will be resourced to face any challenges that arise."
- Cathy
I've always been a truth seeker. always digging for more, digging for the 'truth', trying hard to connect the dots between everything I encountered. why am I here? what's my purpose? what's the point of it all?
and for years, I couldn't seem to hit my truth. I was stuck in a lot of unconscious patterns that kept me stuck, perfectionism and people-pleasing that made me hide.
as I went on my healing journey, had my spiritual awakening, and then decided to change careers and become a therapist and healer ... I continued to dig. and eventually, with the guidance of a couple mentors (who changed my life, really), I peeled back all the way to the heart of who I was - deep in my soul.
and it's from this place, that I've found what truth feels like for me, and applied to reality. I've created a life that I'm so proud of, that rings true and real in my bones: a career that gives me full-on life-force energy, a growing business, a loving relationship, a home in a new country.
this is my mission. my soul purpose: to bring YOU into the home, the power source within you as a creator and leader, and to gather women together to heal the world in the most beautiful and surprising ways.
I see you, and I love you <3


the liberation you desire, is right around the corner.
starts in September.​​​
6 months of WEEKLY mentorship calls
6 months of private Telegram group coaching (M-F)
2x 60-minute 1:1 coaching calls
60-minute 1:1 Akashic Reading
6 month access to ALIVE: Signature Healing Program
6 month access to The Life Artists Membership
early bird: $4,888
investment will increase to $7,000 after the early bird period.
3 and 6-month payment plans available.
Please note that while I am a therapist by professional qualification, this container is NOT to be considered as clinical group therapy. I do not provide medical diagnoses in this service and no component is meant to be a replacement for medical treatment.