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1:1 services


be deeply held in your greatest growth & expansion.

mentorship is an intimate high-touchpoint container, where we cultivate the safety and trust required to profoundly heal.

shaping my tried-and-true method to your specific needs and desires

I help you:

heal your trauma;
release mental and energetic blocks;
reconnect with your mind-body-soul;
so that you can embody the self that you were born as.

the method we use, I call creative healing.

this is for the woman who knows she is meant for more.

if you feel like you've "tried everything"; you've done the basic healing stuff, you've been to talk therapy (maybe even for years), and you find yourself running in the same circles, anxious, triggered, in the exact same way...

this is where my work comes in.

I do things differently here, and that's why my clients get the incredible, life-changing, heart-opening results they do.

you're about to find out how. keep reading.

what if it was actually possible,
to feel deeply connected to your soul self?
to just 
be authentically yourself?
to finally heal those deep wounds?
to be clear of those limiting beliefs holding you down?
to release that repressed anger, frustration, shame, guilt?
to live in harmony with all of your emotions?
to get out of the rat-race?
to be living in your highest potential?
to make honest decisions from y
our intuition?
to feel the orgasmic energy of your feminine?

to wake up in the morning bursting with creative ideas?
to express your truth fully and unapologetically?
to be inspired and expanded by your own consciousness?
what if I told you,

that all you desire actually already exists within you,
that you were
born with it?

I believe that we are all meant for infinitely more. much more than we allow ourselves to believe.

unfortunately, for many of us, the human experiences of trauma, hurt, stress, and social and cultural programming, have led us to believe that we are less than; that we are not worthy or capable; that our voice doesn't deserve to be heard; that love is conditional; that we must make ourselves small to belong; that we should restrict ourselves to a fixed identity; that life has to be hard; that we cannot trust in our own inner knowing.

and I can tell you from experience and science - that is all simply not true.

so here, I invite you to do the work to trust again.

to trust that you are capable, worthy, and whole.

to trust that you are infinitely wise.

to trust that healing your trauma is going to change your life.

and, to trust that I've got you, and I'll lead you there.

a mentorship space for integrative trauma healing,
across mind-body-soul.

the options.

3, 6, or 12 months together.

1 month together.


how this work changed my life.

for 25 years of my life, I was disconnected from myself. I was lucky to grow up with food on the table, a roof over my head, I went to a 'good' school. as a child, I was frequently reminded of how lucky I was, which taught me deep humility - but also taught me to believe that I couldn't and didn't deserve to voice anything outside expectation.


so growing up I had literally no idea how to use my voice. I let myself believe that I had little to say. I was socially anxious, with low self-worth, my nervous system stuck in a constant freeze state. I had a debilitating fear of speaking up. I was really scared to uncover who I was inside.


over the years, I never gave myself permission to heal. my sense of identity became more and more confused. with no outlets, I began to 'express' myself in subversive ways, getting into unhealthy habits and dependencies. and that started to affect my life, mentally and physically, in scary, life-threatening ways.

a little less than 4 years ago I quit my corporate job to become an art therapist. then over a year ago, I was dropped into my spiritual awakening, and began to explore self-development on a totally different dimension. and that's when things really, fully, completely shifted in my life.

that's when I finally gave myself permission to heal, to come back to my voice, and become curious about my power. it took an integration of many years of learning, training, and trial and error.

looking back, I now understand that what was really behind my debilitating fear was huge power and potential untapped inside. and this is the case for so many of us, who were taught to play small, play victim, to play a role. but that's not who we were born as, who we are within. it's time for the unbecoming of all those beliefs. 

I had to swim my way through this work on my own. but now I'm creating these intimate 1:1 containers so that you can receive the fruits of all of the modalities, mind-body-soul, that have allowed me to come home in such a profound way.

when you reconnect with yourself, on the soul level, the lens from which you see the world will shift entirely.

and from there, all that is meant for you simply unfolds in the most organic way.



in our mind, we hold the limiting beliefs, doubts, fear that condition us to believe that we are anything but whole. in order to actually integrate the shifts in your body, energy, and soul, it is crucial that we do the dialoguing, rewiring and reprogramming all in tandem.

+ talk therapies (parts work, CBT, DBT, narrative therapy, inner child work)

+ art therapy

+ parts work

+ subconscious reprogramming

+ brain rewiring

+ mindset coaching


somatic therapies have now proven to be the most effective and important modality in the practice of trauma healing. trauma is stored in the cells of our bodies, and in order for us to heal trauma, we must release and move it out of the body by completing the trauma cycle.

+ somatic healing & therapy

+ somatic art-making

+ breathwork

+ nervous system rewiring

+ conscious movement

+ mindfulness & meditation


the soul is our essence. it is the heart of who we are, and the energy we emit, and subsequently - who we be and the life we attract. my energy-based modalities and intuitive work are powerful and is the dimension that transforms you on a cellular level.

+ Akashic Readings

+ 9D Energy Healing

+ quantum healing

+ past life & ancestral healing

+ intuitive art-making

+ clearing & cord-cutting

+ protection & grounding


the components are specifically designed to help you

discover.   release.   heal.   rewire.   embody.

comprehensive scientific research* has shown that integrative therapies such as art therapy, somatic therapy, and mindfulness practices are respectively effective treatments for trauma and/or PTSD.

this is my core belief:

you are not just a mind, your body, or your soul.

you are all 3 dimensions. you are multidimensional.
and so, when we heal and repair, we must be doing it
multidimensionally, also.


 unhappy, lost or stuck on your current path;

emotionally overwhelmed, anxious, and stressed;

struggling with low self-worth or self-esteem;

stuck in negative thinking patterns; 

sick of the never-ending hamster wheel;

holding this strange feeling of not belonging;

void of sensuality, joy, and pleasure in your life;

unsure of how to really express yourself;

trying to figure out your 'irresolvable' chronic illness;

exhausted in your nervous system;

and tired of doing all the things, and being absolutely stuck.

I want you to know that this shouldn't be your 'normal'.
that it's possible to feel so solid, whole, and beautifully big in yourself.

you deserve to feel connected and in love with your life.

client words

"Jade. You are the real deal. You holding me through the last few months has been pivotal. I have released some crazy things because of our trauma work. And a lot of my stress symptoms have vanished and honestly I feel like a snake shedding old skin. I am happier. My gosh. I'm freaking excited that it's kind of only still the beginning!"

- Cindy

I hope you're ready. ready to dive deep, peel it back, and come back to all the beauty that makes you, you.

I know that's all possible for you,
because it's been possible for me & my clients.

I have clients who come to me, and first session they express how they've "tried everything and nothing has worked".

they've done the journaling, the affirmations, they've read dozens of self-help books, and maybe they've even been to years of talk therapy - but they still find themselves trapped in the same negative thought cycles. the same addictions and coping mechanisms. the same toxic relationships. they're still triggered by the same ol sh*t.

yup. what gives, right?

I get it. I've been there too. the reason why nothing has 'worked', is because the healing work you're doing is not integrative, and is not ground-up. most self-help and talk therapists out there don't discuss the importance of trauma and how it's actually held in the body. and how if we are not healing through the body (and in my opinion, also healing through the soul), you are not going to be able to actually change anything.


talking about and revisiting old stories like we do when we journal and blah-blah in therapy can end up re-traumatizing your nervous system, and cause you to actually obsess over the past, which actually wires back in the old behaviors and patterns you're trying so hard to break.

the work that I do is so deeply effective and profound, because it is not about psychoanalyzing or hard-core coping strategies. it's about healing and dissolving trauma from the root so that you no longer need to analyze or simply just cope.

in fact, this is the work that is going to allow you to RISE.


this is for the woman who desires to be held in a safe, long-term container, to receive powerful guidance and support from someone who can fully see her as she heals, repairs, discovers, pleasures, and expands in her life.

this is for the soul who ready to commit to herself, knowing that the safer she feels in herself, the deeper she goes, & the higher she can soar.

Biweekly Integrative Healing Calls.

60 minutes each.

Our biweekly calls are largely reserved for active healing we do together.


I guide you into deep shifts in every session, using modalities personalized to you. Every session is unique and intuitively led with you, based on wherever you're at in the journey. This is also where you can bring in any big questions you want to unravel.

Personalized Integration Plan.

Editable document shared with you.


This plan will include my recommendations for the modalities, pace, schedule, to help shift you to where you want to be. You shape and create this plan with me and have full agency to alter it as we go.

Voice note & text Voxer coaching.

Monday to Friday through the length of your container.


You have my mentorship, coaching, and everyday support in your pocket everyday.


Receive answers to all your questions, receive activations, riffs, perspective shifts, tips and tools in between the live calls. This component of the program is going to help disrupt your limiting thought patterns day-to-day. We are going to rewire your brain by recoding the parts of your subconscious that are not serving you.

Extra Calls

# depends on the length of your container.


Included you receive extra calls alongside your biweekly sessions. You have the option to use these calls as Akashic Readings or 9D Energy Healings. This is to give you the opportunity to deepen into spiritual, soul-based work if that resonates with you.


  • Biweekly healing calls (6x)

  • 1x extra call

  • Voice note and text Voxer coaching (M-F)

  • Personalized Integration Plan

  • Exclusive 1:1 bonuses

  • Access to all other programs open during your container

  • Access to all modalities


PIF or 3-month payment plan available.


  • Biweekly healing calls (12x)

  • 3x extra calls

  • Voice note and text Voxer coaching (M-F)

  • Personalized Integration Plan

  • Exclusive 1:1 bonuses

  • Access to all other programs open during your container

  • Access to all modalities


PIF, 3-month, or 6-month payment plans available.

the exclusive 1:1 bonuses


Lifetime membership to the Activation Library.

This is the container that you’re going to be dipping into in your own time - quantum healing in bite-sized pieces. There are currently 28+ tracks in the collection.

content value: $555

Nervous System Training.

This video training will give you the 101 on your autonomic nervous system, how it runs your health, and why it's imperative that we learn to identify our window of tolerance and emotionally self-regulate. Practices are provided for you to implement.

content value: $400

Intuition & Energy Basics Training.

This video training will encourage you to explore ways to work with your intuition and energy more, in your own time. Learn about your energy field, manifestations of energetic blocks, your chakras, opening up your channel more, the dynamic between feminine/masculine energies, and the role of the feminine in nurturing creative flow.

content value: $400

Giving & Receiving Mini-Course.


This 3-hour starter course for you to understand the laws of energy in a multimodal way. Particularly salient for my fellow Empaths and HSPs. We use integrated Creative Healing methods to explore the dynamics Giving and Receiving, which will help you start to understand your nervous system, the energetic roots of health issues you may struggle with, and the importance of creating boundaries and protection.


content value: $400

Creative Coaching Training.

In this video training we explore the flow of creative energy, how to foster more of it, and how to live a life that is creatively aligned and expressed. This is not about being a 'better' artist or about 'becoming' a creative - everyone is innately creative. I give you strategies and prompts for you to implement the principles of creativity into your daily life.

content value: $400

Empowerment Training.

This video training will teach you the basics of abundance vs. scarcity mindset. Adopting an abundance mindset allows us to feel more empowered, grateful, generous, and creative. For many of us this will require some rewiring -  but that's what Creative Healing 1:1 will help you with.

content value: $400

total value of bonuses: $2,000+


this is for the woman who wants to heal a certain issue, wound, or block she's been struggling with, or grow in one area of her life. there is something she wants to work on, and she wants to start focused there. she is ready to go, ready to roar.

this is for the soul who knows what she wants, and is ready to make some changes ASAP.

1x Healing Call.

60 minutes each.

I guide you into deep shifts in every session, using modalities personalized to you. Each session is unique and intuitively led with you, based on wherever you're at in the journey. This is also where you can bring in any big questions you want to unravel.

1x Akashic Reading

60 minutes. (video recording of session included)


The Akashic Records are an energetic site that we can tap into to learn about the history and journey of every single soul in the universe, past, present and future - yours included.


We begin every month together with an Akashic Reading to check in with your soul's journey, and for you to gain clarification on any area of life you’re seeking to dive deeper into. Questions can be around your future (career, relationships, health etc.), your Higher Self, your past, past lives, soul contracts, karmic links, etc.

Voice note & text Voxer coaching.

Monday to Friday through the length of your container.


You have my mentorship, coaching, and everyday support in your pocket everyday.


Receive answers to all your questions, receive activations, riffs, perspective shifts, tips and tools in between the live calls. This component of the program is going to help disrupt your limiting thought patterns day-to-day. We are going to rewire your brain by recoding the parts of your subconscious that are not serving you.



PIF only - all-in energy required!

  • 1x live healing call

  • 1x Akashic Reading

  • Voice note and text Voxer coaching (M-F)

  • Exclusive 1:1 bonuses

  • Access to all modalities


Please note that while I am a therapist by professional qualification, this container is NOT to be considered as clinical art therapy or psychotherapy. I do not provide medical diagnoses in this service and no component is meant to be a replacement for medical treatment. 

client words

"I was navigating situations that I had not faced before - moving away from home, changing relationships with the people I'm closest to, and being emotionally tired were among them. Our sessions were like an anchor amidst all of this; so was our connection. Jade always seemed to know what I needed on a particular day. I liked how there were no fixed rules and how a session could take various directions. It gave me a sense of freedom and empowerment that as like no other."

- Sam*

how are my mentorship containers different?

  • my approach is multidimensional and totally unique. there are very few (if any at all) practitioners out there who combine art therapy, psychotherapy, somatics, energy work, spirituality and mindset coaching altogether.

  • I hold an extremely high standard of care for my clients and am incredibly committed to embodying the work that I teach.

  • not to toot my own horn, but the accountability, consistency, and energy I give you in my high-level 1:1 spaces are unparalleled.

  • this is extremely deep work personalized to you. that's the beauty of 1:1, as opposed to any group program.

  • I will teach you tools, strategies, and tips that you will carry for the rest of your life, but in mentorship, we really go beyond information exchange. what you're receiving from me is activation, support, and expansion. I'm not just your therapist or coach - I'm also your expander, your spiritual guide, and your support system.

give yourself the permission to heal.
it's time to come home.

"Jade has helped me to discover myself and dig deep into some of my decades-long personal issues and find out the roots."


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spots are very limited.

I only take a specific number of mentorship clients per month. this is to ensure that I am providing the highest standard of care.


if I am booked full, I can place you on a paid waitlist.

applications are required for 1:1 mentorship with Jade Chung. by filling out an application you are not enrolling in the offer, simply stating interest. applicants will be chosen based on best fit and will be notified of their status within 48 hours.


send me a DM on Instagram or email me at

let's connect.

& be the first to find out about all the exciting new offers and goodies that are in store for you!

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